

‘국제저널 무형문화유산’ 논문모집 공고

영문판 국제저널 『무형문화유산』논문 모집 공고


학술지 명칭 : 영문판 국제저널 『무형문화유산』 2집
International Journal of Intangible Heritage Vol. 2

세계 최초로 발간된 국제저널 『무형문화유산』은 세계 곳곳에 산재해 있는 무형유산의 조사, 연구, 보존, 전승, 진흥 등에 관한 학술적 이론들을 소개하고 이를 국가, 기관, 연구자, 관련전문가 간에 공유 및 교류하기 위한 것입니다. 최근 각국의 지도자 및 지식인들은 문화의 무형적 측면에 관심을 돌리고 있으며, 2004년에 아시아 최초로 서울에서 개최된 세계박물관대회 때는 총회주제로 ‘박물관과 무형문화유산’이 선정되기도 하였습니다. 이에 국립민속박물관은 ICOM 파리 본부의 공식 승인을 받아 ICOM 한국위원회와 함께 세계무형문화유산의 국제저널 프로젝트를 추진하게 되었으며, 2006년 5월에 창간호를 발간하게 되었습니다. 본 저널은 지속적으로 세계의 다양한 무형문화유산 조사⋅연구는 물론 보존⋅전승에 기여하기 위해 최선을 다하고자 합니다.

□ 논문 제출방법 및 형식
- 2집논문 주제 : 무형문화유산과 문화 다양성
- 논문접수일시 : 2006년 10월 16일(월)
- 논문 제출형식 : MS Word의 RTF(Rich Text Format)파일 형태
(단, 그림 자료는 별도의 이미지 파일로 작성)
- 논문 제출 : 국제저널발간사무국
- 저자의 국적, 전자우편, 우편주소, 전화번호 등을 100단어(영문) 내외로 작성
- 논문분량은 영문 4000~6000단어 내외로 작성
※ 모든 원고 및 제출서류는 영문으로 작성하여 함

□ 참고사항
- 첨부: 「Call for Paper」 (‘06. 7월 ICOM, UNESCO 등을 통해 공지된 바 있음)

논문제출 문의 :
서울시 종로구 세종로 1-1
국립민속박물관 섭외교육과 [국제저널무형문화유산 발간사무국]
Tel: 02-3704-3101, 3704-3106
International Journal of Intangible Heritage

Call-for-papers (Volume 2, 2007)
* Theme for Volume 2: "Intangible Heritage and Cultural Diversity"
* Deadline: 16th October, 2006

The International Journal of Intangible Heritage is the world's first international refereed academic and professional journal for the intangible heritage sector. First published in May 2006, the Journal embraces theory and practice in relation to the study, preservation, interpretation and promotion of the intangible heritage. Over recent years, academics, researchers and professionals in many different parts of the cultural sector have increasingly been collecting, systematising, documenting and communicating the intangible heritage and in particular supporting its traditional cultural expressions.

The need for such an international publication was one of the conclusions of participants at the October 2004 triennial General Conference of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) held in Seoul, Republic of Korea, on the theme of 'Museums and Intangible Heritage'. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Republic of Korea agreed to provided support for such a Journal through the National Folk Museum of Korea, and following the establishment of a Journal Secretariat in the Museum and the convening of an international Editorial Board and Editorial Advisory Committee in late 2005, the first volume of 101 pages was published at the end of May 2006. The printed edition is now being supplemented by an electronic edition in PDF format at

Because of its origins within the Seoul 2004 ICOM General Conference, most of the contents of Volume 1 of the Journal are papers originally given at that meeting so there is a museum theme to the volume. However, it should be emphasised that the Journal welcomes offers of contributions covering all areas of intangible heritage studies and practice, according to the definition of intangible heritage adopted internationally in the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, as follows:

(a) oral traditions and expressions, including language as a vehicle of the intangible cultural heritage
(b) performing arts
(c) social practices, rituals and festive events
(d) knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe
(e) traditional craftsmanship

From Volume 2 the Journal will carry three categories of contributions as follows:

* Main articles (refereed), normally between 4,000 and 6,000 words, excluding notes, bibliography and illustrations. An A4 size page of plain text averages around 800 words, and the printed paper will normally be allocated six, eight or ten journal pages according to length and illustrations. Prospective authors should consult the Editorial Board through the Editor-in-Chief if a longer contribution is proposed.
* Short communications (refereed), of up to 2,000 words (two to four journal pages).
* News and reviews items of up to 1,000 words on conferences, publications or projects (which will be subject to normal editing by not formal refereeing.)

For Volume 2 and subsequent annual volumes we are now seeking suitable contributions of all three categories: main papers, short communications, and news and reviews, on any aspect of the intangible heritage as defined in the 2003 UNESCO Convention. However, for Volume 2 we will particularly welcome for main articles interdisciplinary studies focusing on the aspects of 'Cultural Diversity' in relation to the intangible heritage, since we hope to be able to include a group of several papers with this particular focus.

Manuscripts submitted should not be under consideration by any other journal or publisher, nor should they have been previously published elsewhere. If a manuscript is based on a lecture, conference paper or talk, specific details should accompany the submission. There are detailed Instructions to Contributors on the preparation of manuscripts and illustrations in Volume 1 of the Journal (pages 98 - 101 in both the printed and electronic editions) and these will shortly be on the Journal website at

Papers for the Journal can be submitted to the Journal Secretariat: (postal address below) at any time. However, to be considered for the next volume (2007) contributions must be received by Monday 16th October 2006 so that they can be considered by the Editorial Board at its next meeting scheduled for 1st November. Papers should be in electronic format, wherever possible should be submitted via e-mail. The submitted text (including an Abstract except for News and Reviews items), should be sent as an attachment to your e-mail message. Texts should then be saved and submitted in unjustified text alignment in Rich Text Format (RTF). Illustrations should not be 'embedded' in the text. Electronic images of the required quality (see the Instructions to Contributors), should be submitted as separate files. Original photographs should not be submitted at this stage, but a list summarising these should be included.

Please provide the full postal address of each author and of any institutional affiliation where applicable, including the country name, and an e-mail address contact address for each Author. Include at the end of the manuscript a short biography (80 words) for each Author.

For Manuscript submission contact:
Publication Secretariat,
International Journal of Intangible Heritage, National Folk Museum of Korea,
Sejongno 1-1, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
* Email:
* Tel: +82-(0)2-3704-3106, 3704-3109

For editorial policy etc. enquiries contact:
* Editor-in-Chief, Professor Patrick J Boylan
* Email:


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